Josh Carlat

Software Engineer

Technology Experience

  • C++, C#, C languages
  • React.js, Angular, JavaScript frameworks
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, Sinatra, Spring Boot, .NET, Node.js Web stacks
  • MySQL, Oracle SQL, PostgresSQL, MongoDB Database knowledge
  • Kanban, Scrum, Agile Methodologies
  • Android Studio/Kotlin, React-Native Mobile experience
  • Golang, Ruby, Lua, Java, Python Development experience
  • Ubuntu, Kali Linux Experience
  • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects Design experience
  • Ren'Py (Python game engine), Visonaire Studio, Adventure Game Studio, RPG Maker VX Ace, RPG Maker MZ Game engine experience


Cybersecurity Club Member (2017)

I was a club member for the whole of 2017. We ended up competing at the
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Regionals that were hosted at Tulsa, Oklahoma
and took home 4th place.

Chinese Spring Festival Host (2016)

I was a host for Chinese Spring Festival and announced
the various events that were being prepped to perform at UCA's Old Main Hall.

Shanghai Study Abroad (2016)

I took an intensive immersion Chinese language course in Shanghai during the summer.
I have several photos of the trip on my instagram, I couldn't believe the amount of things
there was to do in such a big city. It would be an understatement to say the trip was
the highlight of my life.

Order Of The Sword & Shield Member (2023)

I was inducted into the Order of the Sword & Shield with a 4.0 GPA while pursuing my MS in Digital Forensics.


Signature Experience Project (2018-2020)

C++ SDL Game Engine: I worked with a professor at the Univerisity of Arkansas at Little Rock on a game engine that would be used to assist him in teaching game programming courses.

This Website (2020)

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap: I have attended a coding bootcamp called Nucamp and improved my Full-Stack skills as well as learnt a few extra technologies along the way.